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F2 beanstalk planting
F2 World Book Day
Number Day
Chinese New Year
F2 Christmas Celebrations
F2 Memorial Garden
F2 Dental Hygiene Team Visitor
All about size in F2
FS2 Reception - Reception Baseline Assessment
Knowledge Organiser - FS2 (Reception) - Autumn 1 2024
Welly Wednesday Shock
F2 Animal Club Visit
Learning and celebrating in F2
F2 Parents Maths Session
Incredible alien creations
Turbo's Great Escape
World Book Day in F2
The Start of Space Exploration in F2
An exciting term of gingerbread, beanstalks and wolves!
Welly Wednesday Phoneme Hunt
Consolidation and Christmas Preparation
Bread tasting, bread making and bit of celebrating too!
Patterns, reading and The Little Red Hen
1st half term done for F2!
F2 Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) programme