Geography at Warmsworth Primary School
At WPS, we aim for a high quality geography curriculum designed to develop children’s curiosity and fascination about the world in which they live in. We want the children to develop their knowledge of different places, people, cultures as well as a deep understanding of the Earth’s human and physical processes and interactions between them. We provide children with opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about their local area so they find out about the area in which they live and what makes their local area unique and special. We aim for children to develop the skills needed to support further geography learning when in secondary school and beyond, to become positive 21st century global citizens by developing their understanding of current environmental challenges to our planet and their role and influence in protecting it.
History and Geography Overview of Units at Warmsworth Primary School 2024 2025
Long Term Plan for Geography at Warmsworth Primary School
Sample Y1 Geography Scheme of Learning
Sample Y3 Geography Scheme of learning
Sample Y4 Geography Scheme of Learning
Our bespoke scheme of learning is in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Knowledge of the World and National Curriculum expectations and the key subject content is taught through the following areas; Locational knowledge, Place knowledge, Human and physical geography, Geographical skills and fieldwork. Each year group has long term planning highlighting geography objectives and coverage. The geography scheme of learning details the coverage, vocabulary, disciplinary and substantive knowledge to be taught and identifies the previous and next steps in learning from Foundation Stage to the end of Key Stage Two. Our carefully planned geography scheme of work, regular retrieval tasks and embedded collaborative learning strategies allows our children to articulate their learning which supports them to know more and remember more as they move through school. Through this planning, our curriculum enables children to develop a secure knowledge of where and what places are like, develop good enquiry skills, have competency in using a range maps and collecting, analysing and communicating information. Children’s locational knowledge of places and vocabulary is revisited and built upon each year through topics and in the displaying of world and UK maps in classes, which are regularly used to locate places e.g. holiday destinations, identifying global issues highlighted through Newsround and settings in class texts. Whole school curriculum planning has a text led approach. History and geography topics alternate each half term, however where possible geography is included in history topics to develop children’s knowledge and understanding. Year groups 1 to 5 use outdoor learning opportunities and carry out a local area study which involves a visit incorporating fieldwork skills to discover more about where they live.
Through pupil voice, children talk enthusiastically about their geography learning and show a genuine curiosity and interest in the areas they have explored. Through the use of maps displayed in classrooms, children have a good understanding of location and place and are able to compare and make links between these using geographical vocabulary. They will deepen their knowledge of human and physical processes and understand how these effect environments. Children can analyse and interpret information in order to question and reflect on the world. They will become positive global citizens who choose to understand local and world environmental issues and understand their role in protecting the world.