PE Timetable
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Year 4 | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 1 | Year 3 |
Year 3 | Year 5 | Year 2 | Year 5 | |
Year 6 | Year 4 | |||
Year 6 |
Please Note:
F2 must keep their PE kit in school, they will get changed in school to help learn key skills
Y1-Y6 must attend school in their PE kits on their PE day.
Our PE Uniform is a plain white t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and either school jumper or dark coloured sweatshirt (no large logos) and trainers.
Y5 will attend swimming during part of the academic year, as part of the PE curriculum, and their swimming kit includes:
Girls-one piece swimming costume and goggles
- Boys swimming trunks and goggles
- Hair that can go into the child's mouth or eyes when wet must be tied back with a bobble, or a swimming cap must be worn
- All children require a towel and a suitable bag
- Brush or comb is optional but jewellery must not be worn