Year 3 - Religious Education 13.5.22
Date: 13th May 2022 @ 4:00pm
In Year 3, we have been learning about the 99 names of Allah as part of our investigation into what different people believe about god. We started by sharing our own names, where they came from and what they meant. We then went out into the school gardens to complete a treasure hunt to find as many of Allah's names as we could (with the winning team finding 10!)
After choosing some of the names we found the most interesting, including: 'The All Seeing', 'The Creator' and 'The Protecting Friend', we worked in groups to annotate each name with our thoughts on their meanings and what they suggest about how Muslims view Allah. We challenged ourselves to make comparisons between these ideas on Islam and what we have already learnt in Religious Education about Christianity. We are looking forward to learning more about different religions around the world.